
Denver Traffic Lawyer Monte Robbins represents clients throughout the state of Colorado that have been charged with speeding and other traffic tickets.

Speeding in Colorado can range from a traffic infraction for speeds up to 24 miles over the limit to a criminal traffic offense for speeds 25 miles per hour over the limit and greater. Most municipal courts in Colorado have adopted the Model Traffic Code and the penalty for specific offenses is indicated in the Municipal Code for the particular jurisdiction.

Under the state statutory scheme, speeding 1-4 miles per hour over the limit is a violation of law, however no points are imposed. Speeding 5-9 miles per hour over the limit is a one (1) point traffic infraction, whereas speeding 10-19 over the limit is a four (4) point traffic infraction. Speeding 20-24 over the limit is a six (6) point traffic infraction, whereas speeding 25-39 over the limit is also a 6 point ticket, however it is a criminal misdemeanor traffic offense punishable by a fine, court costs, public service, and jail of 10 to 90 days. Often times officers in Denver, Colorado and other county court jurisdictions will charge a driver with either careless driving or reckless driving in conjunction with the underlying speeding ticket for offenses 25 miles per hour over the limit and greater.

Speeding 40 miles per hour and over the limit is also a criminal misdemeanor traffic offense punishable by 10 days to 90 days in jail and twelve (12) points against a driver’s license. Unfortunately 12 points is a sufficient number of points to suspend a driver’s license in Colorado. Fines for violations in school and construction zones are greatly increased for convictions in these zones. An experienced Colorado Traffic Lawyer may be able to convince a prosecutor and the court to take the violation out of a construction or school zone charge to save a driver potentially hundreds of dollars.

Other common speeding-related infractions cited in Colorado are exceeding the safe speed for the conditions, also referred to as “too fast for conditions”, a three (3) point infraction. This charge is often cited when a driver allegedly fails to reduce her speed as a result of a “special hazard” in the road defined as weather, pedestrians, traffic, or highway conditions. Officers are also increasingly charging drivers with impeding traffic for staying in the fast lane on the highway when cars behind are trying to pass. This infraction is also three (3) points. According to the statute, drivers cannot block the normal and reasonable forward movement of traffic. An exception to this rule is indicated where safety is at issue regarding the slower speed.

Denver Traffic Lawyer Monte Robbins has expertly defended hundreds of drivers throughout Colorado who have been charged with speeding and other traffic tickets. Whether you are charged with a traffic infraction, punishable by a fine only, or a criminal misdemeanor traffic offense, punishable by the possibility of jail, Denver Traffic Attorney Monte Robbins has the experience necessary to fight your ticket and reach the best possible outcome.

Each traffic case is unique, however often times the points of speeding tickets can be reduced or eliminated, charges may be dismissed, fines and costs can be reduced, and plea agreements can be reached to non-speeding related-infractions. Non-moving infraction dispositions may be reached in some cases.

Alternatively, cases can be fought at trial to a judge or to a jury if the case qualifies.

Contact Denver Traffic Lawyer Monte Robbins today to discuss your options regarding any traffic ticket in Colorado 303-355-5148.

Client Reviews

An excellent lawyer choice for my son who was charged with driving while his license was revoked. DMV had mistakenly sent (3) letters of revocation to the incorrect address, so I hired Monty to prove that my son never knew his license was revoked. Monty kept me informed at all times as to what was...


I consulted three other attorneys on my traffic offense in Colorado and none of them thought I could beat it. Then I consulted with Monte Robbins. He not only relieved my warrant without my presence in Colorado, but he got my habitual driving offense reduced to an infraction. I was up against the...


I hired Monte J. Robbins to represent me. He gave 110% to my case never rushed me off the phone, quick to gather all information regarding my case. Monte is very knowledgeable and helped me out a lot. He kept me informed every step of the way through my case. I was always able to get a hold of him...


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